Shadow Lead

2 min readMar 10, 2024

Have you ever heard of an excessive burden that must be carried without formal status?

Your workload is heavier than others, must be super fast for operational things, must be articulate at all levels, can be a problem solver for every single thing, and of course, should be an obstacle remover for others.

You must be a self-proclaimed leader. You just claimed yourself different from others. They never say so.

All of the things that I felt are something that others never gonna feel. You can’t just tell them how much sweat is soaking your clothes, how much night you spent just wanting yourself gain more knowledge than others, and how hard you build connection just to make sure that you can give others easier way to do their job.

Sometimes, everyone, even your leader doesn’t see your hard work. You didn’t get promoted, while anyone that one lower step than you got it. No one realizes it. They just focus on themselves and their hard work.

You must be sad after all. You feel that all the things that you’ve done are meaningless. All the sleepless nights, greatest idea, and endless tears are useless. You must feel like a failure. Feel that the world treats you unfairly.

Like a Coldplay song, you must be related to this lyric:

When you try your best, but you don’t succeed.

You just don’t even try, you do it! But still, it didn’t succeed.

But, the more I grew up, I realized,

You might not get The Tittle, but The Experiences. Something that not everyone would ever get a chance. You just have to focus on yourself, your dream, and your goals. Be focused on them. Ignore all the negatives that come to you. Be consistent with your work ethic. You may not be successful right now, but you will definitely thrive out there.

Shout out to all Shadow Leaders!




Keep your feet on the ground and your eyes on the stars